American Indian Responses to
Environmental Challenges

Akwesasne Mohawk
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Meet the People

Mohawk identity has in many ways remained the same for centuries. Today, they continue to maintain their cultural values and the connection to their history.

Key Terms

  • Annual ring

    The concentric ring of wood formed over a year of a tree’s growth, observable when the tree is cut.

  • Overharvesting

    Excessive harvesting that damages the resource.

  • Range

    The geographic area a species can be found.

  • Haudenosaunee (Iroquois)

    An organization of five (later six) Native nations who historically lived throughout what is now New York State. The Six Nations today includes the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora tribes.

  • Confederacy

    An alliance formed between individual states or nations for mutual support or common political or military action.

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Explore: Territory Maps

Map of New York area c. 1730 Map of Mohawk territory today Map of Black Ash range Map of EAB infestation

Circa 1730, the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy held territories covering much of today's New York State, giving them access to vast resources, including a large range of black ash.

Today, Mohawk territory is much smaller than the original homelands. Other communities exist in Canada, but Akwesasne is the only Mohawk community in the U.S. recognized by the federal government.

The black ash range is expansive, from west of the Great Lakes to the east throughout New England. Black ash is also found in parts of Southern Canada and as far south as Tennessee.

Federal quarantines help slow the spread of emerald ash borer (EAB) infestation. Even so, parts of western New York are already infected, which is why Akwesasne works hard to protect trees around them.

Circa 1730
Mohawk Today
Black Ash Range
EAB Infestation
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Try These Questions

These are three of the steps used to make black-ash splint baskets. What is their correct order?
The three steps used to make black-ash splint baskets
A) Pounding, splitting, bundling
B) Bundling, splitting, pounding
C) Pounding, bundling, splitting
What makes black ash important to the Mohawk peoples’ efforts to keep their culture alive today?
A) They use black ash in basket making, a traditional art form
B) They plan to eliminate the trees before emerald ash borers arrive
C) They use parts of black ash trees to make a medicinal tea
D) A and C
True or false? The Thanksgiving Address is a speech given on the fourth Thursday of November each year.
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