Create your own news article
Inform your readers
You have a deadline—your editor needs a new piece for the latest edition of . In your argument, be sure to support your claims with evidence. You can preview your article at any point in the process.
Pick Your Newspaper Style
What Style Works Best?
The style of your paper will change the look and feel. Consider your audience, the subject matter, and mood you want to create.
Write Your Byline
What's Your Name?
Every article needs a byline to tell the reader who wrote the piece. Add your name or names to the article.
Construct Your Argument (News Article)
How Will You Address the Compelling Question?
Remember to use evidence from multiple sources that support your claims and refute counter-claims. Keep it clear and brief: you only have 250 words! TIP! This tool works best if you write several short paragraphs rather than one long paragraph.
Select Your Images
What Images Support Your Argument?
Pick one to three images that support your argument. You'll write captions for these images next.
Select A Quote
What Quotes Support Your Argument?
Select one to three quotes. Consider including statements from different perspectives to tell a more complete story.
Write Your Headline (Title)
How Will You Get Your Reader's Attention?
Every article needs an eye-catching but informative headline to summarize the article and draw in readers. Be thoughtful: you only have two lines!
Check the Proof (Draft)
Is Your News Article Ready to Go?
Preview your proof and make sure your article doesn't need any changes. If you want to go back and edit any content, use the progress bar below.