Introduction Patagonia Andes Amazon Mesoamerica / Caribbean Southwest Plains / Plateau Woodlands California / Great Basin Northwest Coast Arctic / Subarctic Contemporary Art
Moche stirrup-spout vessel

Moche stirrup-spout vessel
AD 200–400
Chicama, La Libertad, Peru
Clay, paint
13 x 8 x 17 cm
Presented by Dr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sackler

Battles, captives, and executions are common themes in Moche art. This kneeling nude figure, with exposed genitals and bound hands, is most likely a captured warrior, soon to be sacrificed. Warfare, apparently waged between competing Moche groups, involved the ritual execution of prisoners. In Moche art, sacrificial victims are stripped of their warrior’s regalia and weapons, and tied with a rope around their neck and hands.

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