This complex and beautifully constructed model depicts a dance scene in a qasgiq (or qasgi or qaygiq—communal men’s house). Traditionally used by men for eating, bathing, and sleeping, the qasgiq was also a place where all community members gathered for performances of masked dancers. This model shows a highly detailed tableau of spectators watching dancers perform one of a series of winter festivals that take place around the time of the winter solstice.
Iñupiaq model qasgiq (men’s house), ca. 1900. Point Barrow, Alaska. Wood, ivory; 37 x 30 x 18 cm. Collected by Frank Wood. 5/3662
+Iñupiaq model qasgiq (men’s house), ca. 1900. Point Barrow, Alaska. Wood, ivory; 37 x 30 x 18 cm. Collected by Frank Wood. 5/3662
+Iñupiaq model qasgiq (men’s house), ca. 1900. Point Barrow, Alaska. Wood, ivory; 37 x 30 x 18 cm. Collected by Frank Wood. 5/3662